The Handbook of Japanese Adjectives and Adverbs
For any beginner of Japanese, adjectives and adverbs are bound to present a challenge. Unlike English adjectives, Japanese ones conjugate, meaning that you must memorize their various forms before being able to build sentences of any complexity. Adverbs do not conjugate, but make use of particles to show their grammatical relationship to other words, and some have very subtle shades of meaning that are difficult to grasp. Moreover, many do not translate into adverbs in English.
About the Author
TAEKO KAMIYA received her BA from Doshisha Women’s College and MAs from the University of San Francisco in education and from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in linguistics. A veteran language teacher, with 25 years’ experience teaching Japanese, she is the author of numerous books on the Japanese language, including The Handbook of Japanese Verbs and The Handbook of Japanese Adjectives and Adverbs (both by Kodansha International).
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